CaseMaster Evolution – Super IQ
- In order to carry out the carburizing processes, Integral Quench Furnace (Super IQ) does not require an endothermic atmosphere to be supplied. As a result, the generator is eliminated and savings can me made since it no longer needs to be purchased, maintained during operation, and no excess process gas losses are incurred, something that is typical for this device.
- However, Super IQ’s main advantage over traditional Integral Quench furnaces is its potential to reduce the time needed for treatment. This is thanks to it being able to carry out carburizing processes at higher temperatures – even up to 1,050°C in practice. Due to this, it is possible to significantly increase efficiency and reduce production costs.
- Extending the operating temperature range to 1,100°C also allows it to execute other processes that need this, which significantly improves the capabilities of the unit.
- The furnace is fully automatic. The internal loader moves the feed smoothly, and a clever solution eliminates risks connected with pushing significant weights – in this case even up to 1,560 kg gross.
- Process recipes are created with the use of a simulator, which is an integral part of the unit. Apart from having a large database of materials, the simulator supports the operator’s work by calculating and proposing alternative versions of recipes, directly reporting the expected costs of the processes.
- Super IQ boasts unrivalled flexibility thanks to the fact that it does not have to be seasoned or saturated – as opposed to traditional IQ furnaces. In the event of weekend breaks or other production breaks, the furnace can be switched off immediately. Re-establishing the furnace’s operating parameters happens within minutes.
- The unit also offers significant advantages when it comes to being environmentally friendly. The carburizing technology applied reduces atmospheric emissions to an absolute minimum. The precisely selected doses of process media are counted in litres.
- As a result, smokiness and open flames – typical of traditional solutions – are eliminated.
- This leads to greater safety and work comfort for the operator.
- The simple design, ergonomics, and systems supporting periodic maintenance, not only practically eliminate unplanned downtime, but also significantly reduce costs associated with maintaining highly qualified staff and their labor input.